It’s HOT in South America! OK, let’s face it, it’s still hot in San Diego! It’s officially the hottest summer on record! I am longing for the cool, crisp evenings of fall and they are just not happening yet. In fact it’s been down right hot for weeks and I can’t get to my fall planting or apple picking. On the other hand I am very grateful to live in a beautiful place where most of the year we have weather you just can’t complain about….but I digress…..Back to South America where it is really hot and humid! There’s nothing more refreshing than an ice cold, fruity beverage to chase away the heat.
In the summertime you will probably see a pitcher of Clericó on every table in every restaurant. It is just that popular in Argentina and Uruguay! There are many recipes but they tend to have generally the same theme. White wine or sparkling wine with fruit, served very cold. I can imagine an evening of warm tropical breezes, a gathering of friends with a chilled glass of Clericó in hand, a pitcher waiting near by, ready to refill my friend’s glasses as laughter rings through the night air. Somehow I see the pitcher being stirred with a wooden spoon……it has to be a wooden spoon for it to be just right. Doesn’t the wooden spoon make it more exotic? But then again, this is my fantasy and yours may not have a wooden spoon in it. Salud!
Clericó (Sangria Blanco)
1 (750 ml) bottle Viognier (or an inexpensive white wine just not too sweet)
1/2 cup white rum or vodka
1 banana, peeled, sliced in 2-inch slices
1 orange, cut in segments
1 peach, peeled, sliced in wedges
1 red apple, cored, chopped medium dice (Fuji or Gala Apple)
1/2 cup pineapple, cubed
1/2 cup red grapes, sliced in half
2 tablespoons white sugar
Club soda or lemon-lime soda
Place all fruit in a pitcher and cover with the sugar. Add all the white wine and rum or vodka and stir with a wooden spoon 🙂 Allow the sangria to sit in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight before serving. The longer it rests the more the flavors meld together and develop.
Serve in a wine glass with fruit. Top each glass with some sparkling soda just before serving.

- 1 (750 ml) bottle Viognier (or an inexpensive white wine just not too sweet)
- 1/2 cup white rum or vodka
- 1 banana, peeled, sliced in 2-inch slices
- 1 orange, cut in segments
- 1 peach, peeled, sliced in wedges
- 1 red apple, cored, chopped medium dice (Fuji or Gala Apple)
- 1/2 cup pineapple, cubed
- 1/2 cup red grapes, sliced in half
- 2 tablespoons white sugar
- Club soda or lemon-lime soda
- Place all fruit in a pitcher and cover with the sugar. Add all the white wine and rum or vodka and stir with a wooden spoon 🙂
- Allow the sangria to sit in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight before serving. The longer it rests the more the flavors meld together and develop.
- Serve in a wine glass with fruit. Top each glass with some sparkling soda just before serving.
May I use the image of clerico for an Article I am writing for school?
Yes you may. Thanks for asking. ~ Lotpa
Yes you may! Thanks for asking. ~ LOTPA