GNO! Girls Night Out! But sometimes, GNI, Girls Night In can be so much more fun! Especially when one of your girlfriends has a backyard that whisks you away to paradise just like in the Calgon bubble bath commercial and everyone’s a foodie so you know you’ll probably discover a new taste treat. Pair this with conversations that make you think and laugh and you’ve got the recipe for a perfect evening! It’s relaxing and satisfying. Conversations float on peaceful breezes with the “If you could…have any job, live anywhere in the world, live in any time in history….what would you pick” woven into them. Sometimes you need to kick up your heels and get out on the town. Then there’s those times when you crave the intimate conversations which can only be had in the company of your girlfriends. So next time you plan a get together with the girls, why not plan a GNI instead?! Continue reading
Orange Cheesecake Mousse in Chocolate Dessert Cups