Hello Fall!….wherever you are….It’s been so blazing hot in Southern California it feels like the longest, hottest summer on record! So what do you do? You fake it! Make the flavors that remind you of fall and maybe she will peak her little head out and say hello. Ginger and cinnamon with a little, or a lot, of whip cream will do it for me every time! Continue reading
Orange Cheesecake Mousse in Chocolate Dessert Cups

GNO! Girls Night Out! But sometimes, GNI, Girls Night In can be so much more fun! Especially when one of your girlfriends has a backyard that whisks you away to paradise just like in the Calgon bubble bath commercial and everyone’s a foodie so you know you’ll probably discover a new taste treat. Pair this with conversations that make you think and laugh and you’ve got the recipe for a perfect evening! It’s relaxing and satisfying. Conversations float on peaceful breezes with the “If you could…have any job, live anywhere in the world, live in any time in history….what would you pick” woven into them. Sometimes you need to kick up your heels and get out on the town. Then there’s those times when you crave the intimate conversations which can only be had in the company of your girlfriends. So next time you plan a get together with the girls, why not plan a GNI instead?! Continue reading
Lemon Curd Cupcakes with Lemon Basil Buttercream

What’s the happiest day of the year? The beginning of Daylight Savings Time, of course! I’m always looking for something to celebrate and more light, more sunshine and more time to have fun outdoors sounds like a pretty good reason to me! Another thing that makes me happy is cupcakes! I love cupcakes! When I see a cupcake, I immediately think fun, laughter and lots of family and friends to share them with! These cupcakes are an explosion of flavor with a lemony surprise in the center, frosted with a zingy, herbaceous buttercream. I love chocolate but I’d pick these cupcakes anytime over chocolate and that speaks volumes. They are springtime, they are happiness, they are a celebration on their own! They are outrageously fantastic! Continue reading
English Toffee Ice Cream

Today is the anniversary of our 1st date! I told my husband, “We’re celebrating with ice cream!” He said, “Ice cream! I’m all about ice cream!” What a surprise! My husband and my Dad are crazy about ice cream, Rocky Road in particular. But today I go back to one of my favorite childhood sweet treats; one my Mom and I used to make at Christmas. English Toffee! Continue reading
Luscious Berry Acai Bowl

It was a beautiful day in so many ways. One of those 80 degree weather days in January in San Diego. Perfectly warm and sunny, not a cloud in the sky and I was going to spend it with a great friend of mine! What could be better? Well, I was about to find out.
Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons

Small bites, big delights! Those who know me well, know that baking is NOT my forte! Sweet treats are not the first thing that comes to mind when I am in the kitchen either. Probably because I’m not a big sweet eater. My husband David has that base covered! He’s the one with a sweet tooth…or two and it makes me happy to make him happy so I make treats for him. Last Christmas my daughter-in-law Liz made the most wonderful little macaroons. They were so yummy I couldn’t stop eating them. I even had them for breakfast. I guess you could say they were a huge hit! Thanks Liz! Continue reading
Gluten Free Cranberry Orange Scones

Scones! To the Scottish, scones aren’t just a treat at tea time, they are a national treasure. The English eat scones mainly at teatime, but the Scots eat them almost any time they can get their hands on one. A scone with mid-morning coffee, with soup and salad at lunch, at afternoon tea or high tea, and even with a glass of wine at the cocktail hour. Grab a scone and jump on the train for a civilized and comforting journey. Anytime is a good time for a scone! Continue reading
Cinnamon Ice Cream

Oh my gosh! Words fail me….but I will try. I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! This has never been truer than with this cinnamon ice cream. I mean, I could almost get hysterical this is so good! The best way I can describe it is, it tastes like the icing on a freshly baked cinnamon roll! Then pair it with a slice of apple pie and the talking is done! Continue reading
French Apple Tart

French pastries are some of the finest treats one can ever have. But do you need to be a pastry chef to make one at home? I think not! Sweet pastry crust for tarts is not difficult to make but it does add time to process. At the holidays we all seem to come up a bit short on time but that ‘s no reason to come up short on a sensational dessert that will please all your guests! Short cut to the rescue! Continue reading
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Lovers Unite! You either love pumpkin desserts or you don’t. This time of year makes me think of pumpkins so I felt compelled to make something. I am not a pumpkin fan but as Thanksgiving nears, I like to fantasize about pumpkin treats as if I were a fan. My tiny slice of pumpkin pie must be buried in a pile of whip cream for me to take the pumpkin plunge. Guess you can see why I added the chocolate to the bread! One of the girls I work with happens to love pumpkin and it is her birthday on Friday so that was all the reason I needed to whip up a little pumpkin bread with a fancy, festive holiday flair to it. Happy birthday Kim! Continue reading