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Great Thanksgiving Wine Debate

Every year as Thanksgiving rolls around you can hear people starting to discuss the wine they are going to serve and what is the rule for turkey. We have come to think of wine pairing as what will match the meat being served but it is a much bigger question than that. It is all the flavors being served and your personal wine preferences that will help you decide which wine is best for your celebration. Continue reading

49er Thanksgiving Dinner

I am a big fan of traditions but sometimes you just need to shake things up! My friend Kathy did just that for this year’s Thanksgiving feast. We have known each other since we were 3 years old so her family is my family and their children are our godchildren. That childhood takes us back to Modesto, CA and we are die hard San Francisco 49er fans!

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January 1, 2011 ~ A Fresh Start!

New Beginnings
 Happy New Year 2011
Is it only symbolic or does it really matter? We like to find signs in things around us to help us believe that all is well, we are going the right direction, have made the right decision; so does it matter if the sign is real or just helps us stay on the optimistic path? We begin the New Year with numbers that shout “fresh start”! 1/1/11. The new beginning. The number 11 has been believed for years to hold spiritual and mystical powers.

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Christmas Cookie Swap!

Have you ever thought about having a cookie swap?  A cookie swap can be lots of fun, plus you end up with a multitude of cookie varieties, even though you only had to bake one kind.  What a great way to discover new cookies recipes, short cut your holiday baking, and have fun with friends! If you have never tried this, here are 5 steps to a successful Cookie Swap:

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Dessert Trends for 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things! 
Chantilly cream on strawberries, toasted meringue on lemon curd; dark chocolate cream tart layered with a salty bite of caramel, cranberry pear tarts and cupcakes and mousse. These are a few of my favorite things! Desserts are happy foods! It is not “stressed” spelled backwards. Especially, when we are talking about mini desserts. You can satisfy your sweet craving but you don’t have to over indulge.

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