Who says turkey is only for Thanksgiving? When it’s this fast and easy you can serve turkey any time you want it. This method takes all the guess work out of when the turkey will be done and on the table! Continue reading
One Hour Roast Turkey

Who says turkey is only for Thanksgiving? When it’s this fast and easy you can serve turkey any time you want it. This method takes all the guess work out of when the turkey will be done and on the table! Continue reading
Good Gravy! It’s so Easy! Everyone should make gravy when it’s this easy! I LOVE GRAVY!!! Any chance I can find to include it in a meal, you know you’re gonna find gravy served at my house. This time of year lots of people cringe at the thought of making gravy for the Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. But you really don’t have to fear the gravy when you know a few simple tricks! Continue reading
Giving Thanks for friends and family, good fortune and health is something we try to do each day. This time of year tends to make me think of my blessing even more than usual. Recently we have had the great fortune to meet so many wonderful new friends as we travel up the state of California in our RV. Some we have met as we camped along the way, some we met right at the dealership when we picked up our new RV, and one couple we met through an online group of RV-ing enthusiasts! Continue reading
Hello Fall!….wherever you are….It’s been so blazing hot in Southern California it feels like the longest, hottest summer on record! So what do you do? You fake it! Make the flavors that remind you of fall and maybe she will peak her little head out and say hello. Ginger and cinnamon with a little, or a lot, of whip cream will do it for me every time! Continue reading
One of the things I look forward to at the holidays, or anytime there is a large gathering, is the variety of food. Large groups of people tend to mean Potluck style! You never know if you are going to have a dish you have never heard of, one of those taste treats you only allow yourself on special occasions or a new recipe that could become one of your favorites. That’s the beauty of it! Continue reading
Oh my gosh! Words fail me….but I will try. I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! This has never been truer than with this cinnamon ice cream. I mean, I could almost get hysterical this is so good! The best way I can describe it is, it tastes like the icing on a freshly baked cinnamon roll! Then pair it with a slice of apple pie and the talking is done! Continue reading
French pastries are some of the finest treats one can ever have. But do you need to be a pastry chef to make one at home? I think not! Sweet pastry crust for tarts is not difficult to make but it does add time to process. At the holidays we all seem to come up a bit short on time but that ‘s no reason to come up short on a sensational dessert that will please all your guests! Short cut to the rescue! Continue reading
Thanksgiving is almost here again. I love all the traditional flavors but I personally need something green and clean to cut the starches and richness. The flavors are so great but the colors of Thanksgiving are so…..beige. It doesn’t get any greener than Green Beans! Nathan Lane’s character, Albert, says it perfectly in Birdcage, (as they gesture to Albert’s pink socks) “These? Well, one does want a hint of color.” Continue reading
I love Thanksgiving! There is so much to be grateful for. It is the perfect time to slow down and savor the season before all of the holiday shopping, decorating and craziness starts. The only gifts at this holiday are the gifts of family and friends and I find that to be so very nice. Being a lover of most food, I like to switch it up and try different foods for Thanksgiving dinner. Who wants to get stuck in a rut when there is so much to be thankful for?
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