New Year’s Resolutions? I don’t think I have ever been a person who makes specific New Year’s resolutions. I’m more of a resolutions through out the year kind of person. To keep my brain from overloading, with little wisps of smoke coming from my ears, I do like to make a list of things I want to accomplish in the new year at the beginning of the year. Once it’s on paper, I don’t have to run the continuous list loop in my head. It may sound funny but when you check an item off the list, it feels really good! I mean really good! We call it “getting credits” at our house. In case you were wondering, it is legal to do something you forgot to put on the list, go back, add it to the list and check it off “for credits”! I like the idea of evolving, changing as new thoughts or epiphanies come to me. Being open to change and new paths of thought have always been appealing to me. Today’s new thought….
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