I love hugs!! Every day is a great day to hug a friend but did you know that Hug a Friend Day is April 26th? There are so many ways to hug a friend. You can physically give them a big bear hug, call them up with a phone hug if they don’t live by you, gather everyone together for a group hug or give them the gift of hugs every day to remind them how much they are loved. A hug box is just the thing to hold all the hugs you could possibly give them when you aren’t in hugging distance. This is a great Mother’s Day gift idea too!
Tag Archives: Crafts and Props
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble!

I have wanted a bubbling cauldron to serve my witches brew from for years and we are always so busy that it never gets made…..until now! I described what I was looking for to my husband, David and he whipped up the best cauldron ever! It was such a hit at our Halloween party! Hope you have as much fun with this project as we did!
Who Drinks This Stuff?!

The devil is in the details as they say and what better time of year to have devilish details! Once your guests arrive and have taken in all the spooktacular decorations don’t forget that they will wander about so give them little details that will amuse and delight them. One of my favorites is bottles of creepy concoctions that will make you think you have been invited over to the Addams Family for cocktails!
Festive Fall Decorator Accents

I LOVE FALL! A happy feeling that goes back to childhood comes over me and I’ve just got to bring some of the beauty indoors. Seasons change and so can your décor. Some very simple ways to bring the colors of fall into your home are fun and affordable. Give your home a look that will capture the warmth and smells of autumn. Continue reading