Tag Archives: Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Lime Agave Vinaigrette

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Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Lime Agave Vinaigrette

I’m usually surrounded by people who adore food but I do have a few picky eater friends and family. Brandon, you know who I mean! Well this salad is quite the little eye catcher so when I was having this for lunch one day, it attracted the attention of my dear friend Brandon, the aforementioned picky eater. I must say he was intrigued and I asked him if he’d like to give it a taste. I think the combination of flavors and textures is what wows you and it was enough for him to give a slight nod and say, “I’d eat that salad”. His wife Kathy could not believe he said that because squash is on the Do Not Eat List! Continue reading

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