Tag Archives: Aphrodisiac cocktail
Tequila lovers we are! Now we are not purists so we do appreciate a mellow sipping tequila from time to time.
A few years back we were in Puerto Vallarta for our anniversary and our friends Alex and Debbie introduced us to Agavero on our last night in town. We loved it so much that the next morning we began our mad hunt to find some before we had to catch our flight back home.
Yellow Bird Cocktail – Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call!
“Yellow Bird, up high in banana tree. Yellow Bird, you sit all alone like me”, or so the song goes. You won’t be alone for long when you serve up this cheerful cocktail!
Similar to a Screwdriver, the Yellow Bird replaces the vodka with two types of rum. As an extra treat, there is a little Galliano for extra flavor.
When In Ireland…..Now Bring It Home!
What is Traditional Irish and what is American Irish is an interesting question? A little Irish history and a tasty recipe will go a long way in helping you be more Irish on St Patrick’s Day. Ask your friends “How did the Black and Tan get its name and is it cool to order one in Ireland?” or “What do the Irish in Ireland eat on St Patrick’s Day?” You won’t need the luck of the Irish to figure this one out, it’s all right here for you! Continue reading
Ginger, Rosemary, Lemon Spritzer Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call!

I’ve got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day as they say in the song. I certainly have an abundance of Meyer Lemons on my tree, the rosemary bush from Christmas that was planted in the garden needs a trim and a knob of ginger left over from the Thai shrimp dinner earlier in the week are all begging for a makeover. The weather is rainy and citrus is so cheerful that I just had to make this lovely cocktail. The concentrate can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week so there is no reason not to have sunshine all weekend!