It’s Like Elves in the Kitchen
Today’s Reason to Celebrate – Apples!
Sherry Green Beans That Sing!
Sher-er-rry, Sherry baby. Sher-er-rry, Sherry baby. She-er-rry, can you come out tonight? Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons may not have been asking for Sherry in their green beans but what a great idea to party up those traditional green beans for Thanksgiving! Bring out the sherry tonight and everyone can sign a round of Sherry Baby and be thankful for the variety! Continue reading
Apple Crisp Martini – Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call!
Great Thanksgiving Wine Debate
Every year as Thanksgiving rolls around you can hear people starting to discuss the wine they are going to serve and what is the rule for turkey. We have come to think of wine pairing as what will match the meat being served but it is a much bigger question than that. It is all the flavors being served and your personal wine preferences that will help you decide which wine is best for your celebration. Continue reading
Cinnamon Toast Toddy – Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call!
Captain Ghouladas ~ Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call!
There’s been a mutiny on the pirate ship and the crew is celebrating this Halloween massacre with a bloody good cocktail. The tell tale sign is not the blood on their hands but the stain on their lips as they toss back their Captain Ghouladas. Cheers Matey! Continue reading
Who Stuffed Those Shells?
Sneak those veggies into some pasta and your kids will love it! Bursting with cheesy goodness, the veggies add color and flavor and a healthy aspect to an old favorite. This is an easy recipe and fun to make with your kids, if you are not trying to hide the veggies. Their hands are just the right size to hold the pasta shells and stuff them. These are the kinds of meals that kids will remember when they grow up and are out on their own, cooking for friends in college. Double the recipe and freeze some for one of the crazy days when you just can’t make dinner. Continue reading
Spider’s Kiss ~ Friday’s 5 o’clock Wet Your Whistle Call!
Feeling the bite of rough week? Bite back with a Spider’s Kiss and have everyone under your spell. The mystic of the black widow spider is captured in this visually interesting cocktail by mixologist Victoria D’Amato-Moran. Hauntingly beautiful yet absolutely delicious! Continue reading