Tag Archives: Party cupcakes

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Cupcakes Aren’t Just for Parties!

Tiedye Cupcake
I was saying to my husband that January doesn’t have any holidays or big reasons to celebrate and have a party. I know in most parts of the country it is cold and sometimes dreary. I am so lucky because today the sun is shining in Southern California so I thought I’d bring a little sunshine to the rest of you.  
Winter is the best time for citrus and it is one of my favorite flavors. Our Meyer Lemons, Oranges and Mexican Limes are all hanging heavy on the trees so it is harvest time. Citrus is so bright and cheery and can be the ingredient that brings the dish to life! This is a chiffon cake and is light and airy. The perfect pair, a light flavorful cake and citrus. Heaven in every bite.
So have some sunshine in a cupcake and you will have a party in January!

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